Bactrim: What are the side effects in children?

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Bactrim is generally given to manage bacterial infections such as those that affect the ears or urinary tract. It is important to note that Bactrim is an antibacterial drug that works by disrupting with the replication, growth and spread of bacteria in the body.

Children below the age of 2 months old should not be given Bactrim. A doctor must be consulted regarding the effects of the drug on children before using one.

Common side effects of Bactrim

If a child is under treatment with Bactrim, he/she might end up with an upset stomach as an effect. The child might complain that his/her stomach hurts or does not feel well.

The child might have the need to use the bathroom frequently due to diarrhea or nausea. The side effects involving the stomach can reduce the appetite of the child, which makes him/her lose interest in his/her favorite meal or snack.

If a child is under treatment with Bactrim, he/she might end up with an upset stomach as an effect.

The child should be encouraged to eat small snacks before a dose of Bactrim is given to limit the stomach symptoms.

Sleeping issues

The child has difficulty in staying asleep if Bactrim is used. The drug can cause the child end up restless or anxious that can make him/her to seem strangely energetic or hyperactive.

In case the child was not able sleep properly at night, he/she becomes excessively tired throughout the day which affects ability to stay attentive or vigilant during school or while at home.

Skin rashes

A rash might form as a serious side effect of Bactrim in some children. The child might also whine that his/her skin is uncomfortable or might recurrently scratch at the site.

If there is appearance of reddened, irritated or parched areas of skin on any part of the body, a doctor should be consulted for further care.

Mood or behavioral changes

Bactrim can also cause the child to have irregular mood or behavioral fluctuations as an effect of the drug. The child seems oddly irritable, confused or cranky and even fuss or cry more than normal. These side effects generally settle with the recurrent use of the drug.

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