Beneficial effects of an ice massage

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An ice massage is basically a type of cryotherapy which has been considered as an effective form of management for musculoskeletal conditions. Ice massage involves the use of ice packs or ice cubes in order to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation in the damaged tissues and applied in a manner that massages or mobilizes the tissues to promote the healing process. An ice massage can be utilized for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal issues. If you will enroll in a course on first aid today, you can learn more about this highly beneficial treatment option.

Reduction of pain, inflammation and swelling

An ice massage is a highly effective measure in order to relieve acute or chronic pain, swelling and inflammation. Take note that this form of massage affects the body in various ways including the reduction of the blood flow to the affected area which minimizes the swelling.

Ice massage also functions as a pain reliever by numbing the tissues, reducing the muscle spasms and slowing the tissue metabolism. Since ice massage minimizes the swelling, pain and inflammation, it has been the preferred treatment option for acute musculoskeletal conditions which includes muscle strains, ligament sprains, dislocations, fractures and bruises.

Ice massage
An ice massage is a highly effective measure in order to relieve acute or chronic pain, swelling and inflammation.

Reducing the metabolic rate and promotion of healing

It is important to note that an ice massage promotes the reduction in the metabolic rate in the damaged tissues, thus allowing the injured cells to survive the acute phase of injury as well as the area of secondary injury. Take note that secondary injury is triggered by post-trauma hypoxia or deficiency of oxygen in the tissues and caused by certain factors such as hemostasis, bleeding of damaged blood vessels and diminished flow of blood due to increased thickness of the blood.

With the application of ice massage, it helps lower the metabolic rate while at the same time promoting the healing process through conduction which involves the interaction and transfer of energy between molecules in a warmer spot with those in a cooler spot.

Relief from delayed onset muscle soreness

Delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS is characterized as a sore and temporarily debilitating condition which affects the muscles for 1-3 days after engaging in strenuous exercise. Even though the condition is often confused with regular soreness of the muscles, DOMS is more severe and tends to persists a bit longer.

Even though DOMS usually vanishes on its own after 72 hours, it is best to seek treatment in order to minimize the severity of the symptoms, regain capability to perform normal activities of daily living and improve the quality of life. Cryotherapy and ice massage can help reduce the pain linked with DOMS but further research is still required to provide additional evidence on the effectiveness for DOMS.

With the benefits offered by ice massage, it is definitely a preferred treatment option for various health conditions.

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