Can shrimps cause skin rashes?

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Skin rashes that manifest after eating shrimp is an indication of a food allergy. Shellfish allergy is one of the most common types of food allergies.

Shrimps are a variant of shellfish which is a marine animal with a shell. It is important to bear in mind that shellfish include both mollusks and crustaceans.

The development of skin rashes is one of the initial indications of an allergic reaction and should not be ignored. If an individual is suspected to be allergic to shrimp or other foods, a doctor should be seen. Tests are done to confirm the allergy.

What are the indications?

The minor symptoms generally include skin rashes and itchiness.

An allergic reaction can instigate skin rashes in just minutes up to a few hours after eating shrimp. The reaction to shrimp tends to vary. The minor symptoms generally include skin rashes and itchiness.

In case a stronger reaction arises, other symptoms including hives and swollen lips, face, mouth and tongue occurs. If an individual is highly sensitive, he/she might also start to wheeze and feel as if the throat is closing which makes it difficult to swallow or breathe.

Remember that this a serious scenario that necessitates prompt medical care. In case skin rashes arise after eating shrimp, avoid eating them until the allergy has been confirmed. Take note that the allergic reactions can worsen progressively after every exposure.

Am I at risk for a severe reaction?

Shrimp and other food allergies are the main cause of anaphylaxis which is a severe reaction. Anaphylaxis is considered as a dangerous, whole body reaction that results to widespread release of histamine in the body tissues.

The symptoms rapidly develop and generally include stomach cramps, slurred speech, confusion, wheezing, vomiting, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, fainting and rapid heart rate. If not promptly treated, this reaction can progress to coma and even death.

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