Evaporative dry eye

How to deal with night-time congestion

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Night-time congestion is a common issue during childhood which is due to swollen tissues and blood vessels within the nose. In most cases of congestion, they are caused by a bacterial or viral infection and eventually resolve within a span of a week.

In case other symptoms are present such as facial swelling, blurry vision, prolonged coughing episodes and severe throat pain or the congestion lasts longer than 2 weeks, set an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Common cold

The common cold is often considered as a culprit once it comes to nasal congestion in children which causes symptoms such as sneezing, stuffed nose, sore throat, cough and nasal discharge.

When dealing with congestion due to common cold, you can utilize an over-the-counter saline nasal drops or use a cool-mist humidifier to moisten the dry indoor air as well as loosen up the stuffiness. In addition, chicken soup can be given since it contains amino acid that can help thin out the mucus.

Night-time congestion
The common cold is often considered as a culprit once it comes to nasal congestion in children which causes symptoms such as sneezing, stuffed nose, sore throat, cough and nasal discharge.

Congestion due to sinusitis

Sinusitis or sinus infection can also disrupt sleep at night-time due to congestion. Other symptoms of sinusitis include cold for 10 days up to a week, thick yellowish-green discharge, low fever, fatigue and headache.

Sinusitis can also result to postnasal drip in which fluid from the nasal passage rolls into the throat, resulting to sore throat, congestion and coughing. Children with congestion due to sinusitis have symptoms that eventually subside after antibiotic therapy. In cases in which the infection persists for several months, the doctor might recommend surgery.

Food allergy

In some children, food intolerance or allergy can instigate inflammation and production of mucus which results to night-time sniffling, sneezing and congestion. The typical food allergies that trigger issues in children include milk, eggs, tree nuts and peanuts. The management of food allergies involves complete avoidance of the potential allergen but consult a doctor for proper adjustments to the diet.

Allergic rhinitis

Rhinitis is a usual cause of night-time congestion in children. Seasonal outdoor and indoor allergens can cause symptoms such as itchy or stuffed nose, itchy eyes, night-time cough and sore throat.

In case the congestion is due to allergic rhinitis, the doctor might recommend anti-inflammatory medications, antihistamines, nasal steroid sprays or decongestants to relieve the congestion and other symptoms.

Physical blockage

The night-time congestion can result from a physical blockage in the nasal cavities. There are instances in which children might insert objects into their nasal cavity which makes breathing at night difficult.

If a child has a deviated septum or large turbinate which is the nasal bone that splits the nasal airway into unconnected passages, it can also disrupt with breathing and lead to congestion. Among those who have chronic congestion due to an actual blockage, the doctor might recommend surgery to make inhalation easier.

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