Medications used for seasonal allergies

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It is important to note that there are various medications used in managing seasonal allergies. Oftentimes, seasonal allergies can lead to other ailments but these should be managed separately such as ear infections. The basic medications used in managing allergies include antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants or a combination of these.

The best way for highly sensitive individuals to gain relief from the annoying symptoms is to consult a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be started. In most cases, the following medications are prescribed to help relieve the symptoms during the allergy season.


These medications work by blocking the receptors that generate histamine which is the chemical responsible for itchiness, swelling and runny nose. Histamine is also present in food allergies which cause swelling and itchiness all over the body. When it comes to seasonal allergies, histamine is mostly limited in the eyes, nasal passages and sinuses. By blocking the histamine receptors, these symptoms can be prevented.

Seasonal allergies
These medications work by blocking the receptors that generate histamine which is the chemical responsible for itchiness, swelling and runny nose.

There are various variants of antihistamines available over-the-counter. There are also prescription variants that are prescribed by the doctor. There are also some eye drops that contain antihistamine components.

Antihistamines also have several side effects that you should be familiar with such as drowsiness, inability to focus and feeling foggy. The effects tend to vary from one individual to another, thus it is recommended to look for one that works with minimal side effects.


Corticosteroids are effective in preventing and treating seasonal allergies since they work by reducing the inflammation as well as managing year round sneezing, stuffiness and watery eyes.

These medications are available in pill form, eye drops or nasal sprays. Nevertheless, they have several side effects, thus must be taken carefully. Remember that all steroids are prescribed by a doctor.


Decongestants work by relieving congestion and often prescribed together with antihistamines for seasonal allergies. As they shrink the swollen membranes and nasal passages, they also help with the clogged up sensation as well as prevent the accumulation of fluid. Decongestants are available in various forms such as eye drops, nasal sprays, liquid or pill.

The eye drop and nasal spray can be used for only a short period since they can cause stronger side effects. Long term use can even worsen the symptoms. As for the liquid and pill form, they can be used for longer periods of time.

The side effects of decongestants include insomnia and irritability. Take note that these medications are not usually recommended for those who have high blood pressure since it can increase it further.


It is important to note that there are some allergy medications that contain both components of antihistamines and decongestants. These combination medications can provide the effects of two medications. Just remember that a doctor should be consulted before any medication is used.

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