Onion allergy

Onion allergy

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All types of food allergies including onion allergy can generate the similar set of symptoms and managed with the same lifestyle changes along with medications. Even though the exact allergen tends to vary, allergies to various foods are somewhat similar.  On the other hand, it is vital to determine the exact food that causes an allergic reaction so that proper steps can be taken to prevent exposure to the food. Once an individual suspects that an individual is allergic to onions, a doctor should be consulted for proper diagnosis as well as start the ideal treatment options.


What are the symptoms of onion allergy?

The indications of onion allergy are similar to just about any form of food allergy. The following signs and symptoms of onion allergy include the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Hives
  • Reddening or inflammation of the skin

In some individuals, they might also experience a runny nose or itchy eyes. Once an individual experiences any of these symptoms, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor for proper assessment of the condition.

Onion allergy
In some individuals, they might also experience a runny nose or itchy eyes.

Time span

It is important to note that the symptoms of onion allergy might manifest within a few minutes after eating or being exposed to onions such as handling. Nevertheless, some individuals might not end up with any symptoms until up to 2 hours after exposure to onions.


The ideal form of treatment for an allergy to onions is to avoid them entirely. On the other hand, in case exposure to onion is unintentional or could not be avoided, antihistamines or injectable epinephrine are highly beneficial to the individual. Those who have onion allergy must carefully explore all treatment options with the doctor.

Important considerations to bear in mind

Even though an individual with food allergy must be careful with what he/she eats. Those who have onion allergy must be vigilant at all times. Always bear in mind that onions are one of the ingredients in various dishes and their presence in a food might not always be evident.

Individuals who have onion allergy must carefully read the labels before eating any processed foods or check with the cook before eating any prepared meals to ensure that the meals are onion-free.

Always bear in mind that onions are not main food allergens but this does not mean that they are not dangerous to someone who has onion allergy. In some cases, an individual might end up with anaphylaxis which can be deadly. The indications of anaphylaxis tend to vary but might include the following:

  • Abrupt swelling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Erratic heartbeat
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness

Those who experience any of these symptoms require immediate medical care in order to prevent the symptoms from getting worse.





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