Persistent sore throat

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A sore throat causes an uncomfortable, scratchy sensation along with hoarseness and burning while swallowing.

A persistent sore throat might recur several times or long term. This type can be brought about by various conditions thus it is vital to determine the root cause.

Common causes of persistent sore throat

Various conditions can instigate a persistent sore throat.


If an individual has an allergy, the immune system is highly reactive to certain substances that are generally harmless. An individual is prone to a persistent sore throat if he/she has allergies linked to substances inhaled such as dust, mold or pollen.

Take note that the postnasal drip from runny nose and swollen sinuses is the usual cause of sore throat due to allergies.

Postnasal drip

Sore throat
If an individual is suffering from postnasal drip, the excess mucus drains from the sinuses into the rear part of the throat. This can result to a persistent sore throat.

If an individual is suffering from postnasal drip, the excess mucus drains from the sinuses into the rear part of the throat. This can result to a persistent sore throat.

Environmental pollution

A persistent sore throat can be caused by exposure to pollutants especially smog. During warm days, it is considered dangerous to inhale smog.

Mouth breathing

Breathing via the mouth chronically especially if asleep can result to a recurring case of sore throat. In most instances, it is likely to occur in the morning upon waking up and the soreness lessens after drinking.


Smoking and being exposed to secondhand smoke can result to a sore or scratchy throat. In mild cases, exposure to the toxins from cigarette smoke triggers a sore throat.

Acid reflux

This occurs if the lower esophageal sphincter is weakened and could no longer seal tightly. The stomach contents flow back into the esophagus which sometimes causes discomfort in the throat.


If the individual is suffering from a prolonged case of sore throat and does not settle, it is possible that it is tonsillitis. Generally, it affects children but can affect individuals of all ages.

What is the outlook?

In most instances, a persistent sore throat settles on its own in a few days to weeks which is based on the root cause and treatment.

The signs of a throat infection might last for up to 7 days even with treatment.

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