Possible complications from a perineal wound

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When it comes to a perineal wound, it is an injury or trauma to the perineum which is the area in between the scrotum and anus in males and area in between the vagina and anus among women. A perineal wound can be induced surgically or spontaneously occur as a tear during childbirth. Remember that blunt force can also cause a perineal wound. There are also potential complications that can occur from a perineal wound that you should be familiar with.

Urethral trauma

When it comes to urethral trauma, it involves damage to the anterior or posterior region of the urethra and typically results from straddle that results to injuries as well as pelvic fractures and perineal wounds. If urethral trauma is not properly managed or surgically repaired, it can lead to complications such as urinary leakage and urinary retention to the surrounding tissue.

Perineal wound due to childbirth
A perineal wound can be induced surgically or spontaneously occur as a tear during childbirth.

Urinary tract infections

The infections that develop at the urinary tract comprised of the ureters, kidneys, prostate and urethra is one of the potential complications of perineal wounds. Always bear in mind that bacteria that cause urinary tract infection can thrive in the urethra as well as the area surrounding it including the perineum. The presence of a perineal wound increases the susceptibility of the area to infection.

Perineal wound infection

Perineal wound infection can develop after a localized or systemic spread of opportunistic microorganisms in the affected perineal area. The symptoms of perineal infection typically include swelling and pain as well as wound discharge. In most cases, antibiotics are used to manage these types of infections. When an individual suspects that his/her perineal wound becomes infected, it is best to consult a doctor so that proper treatment can be started to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Disrupted healing

Delayed or disrupted wound healing is one of the potential complications of perineal wounds. In some circumstances, the wound has difficulty repairing itself after an injury. This disruption is considered common among older individuals as well as those who have conditions such as bleeding disorders and diabetes.


The pain that results from a perineal wound is triggered by interruption of the soft tissues and nerves in the perineum. Always bear in mind that the pain is subjective and tends to vary for each individual that can be either dull or sharp. The treatment for the pain depends on the cause and can be managed with pain medications in most cases.

In case an infection is suspected in a perineal wound, it is best to seek immediate medical care so that the doctor can carefully assess the area and start the suitable treatment.

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