The symptoms of durum wheat allergy

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An allergic response to durum wheat can trigger the similar symptoms just like with other forms of wheat. It simply means that individuals who are highly sensitive to wheat must avoid grains such as oats and rye since they contain the same allergenic proteins. Take note that durum wheat along with hard white and hard red wheat are commonly used in baking breads and making pasta but can cause detrimental health effects in some individuals. In addition, children face a higher risk for durum wheat allergy than the adults.

The symptoms of durum wheat allergy can occur among young children right after consumption of pasta or baked goods that contain the wheat. The symptoms in the nasal area, mouth and digestive tract can develop right away or within an hour after eating a particular food. In some cases, anaphylaxis can worsen the health effects which involve the entire body. Children tend to outgrow allergies to wheat once they reach 5 years old unless the exposure to wheat continues. Durum wheat allergy is uncommon among adolescents.

What are the symptoms?

Durum wheat allergy
As for the digestive symptoms, it includes intestinal cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

The histamines that are released by the body among those who have durum wheat allergy can lead to the itching of the throat, eyes and lining of the mouth. Other symptoms include watery eyes and a runny nose. As for the digestive symptoms, it includes intestinal cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases, the individual can develop prickly rashes right after consumption of foods that are comprised of durum wheat. Oftentimes, the start of difficulty of breathing and an abrupt drop in the blood pressure can lead to an anaphylactic shock.

Identifying durum wheat allergy

Individuals who experience symptoms such as fast heart rate, mental confusion and dizziness must be given immediate emergency care. Always bear in mind that anaphylaxis is dangerous and if you suspect that an individual has durum wheat allergy, it is best to confirm it by consulting a doctor. Avoiding all types of wheat is an effective way to prevent a minor reaction as well as anaphylaxis.

Common misconceptions

Take note that wheat allergies are different from gluten-specific conditions such as celiac disease which involves the small intestines. Gluten is also present in grains such as barley as well as wheat. An individual who is allergic to wheat should avoid gluten but may or may not have celiac disease. By undergoing medical testing, it can help determine which substance is actually causing the allergy symptoms and which foods can be safely eaten.

Preventive measures

The individual must learn which foods contain durum wheat as well as similar grains so that they can be avoided. It is important to note that various food additives are derived from wheat starch and other parts of grain. Parents should monitor the diet of children so that they can be prevented from eating foods such as cakes, cereals, crackers, hot dogs, soy sauce as well as foods that contain adjusted food starch.

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