Torn finger ligament: What are the signs?

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A torn finger ligament occurs if there is damage to the ligaments. The ligaments are described as durable bands of connective tissue that link bone to bone. These structures are responsible for keeping the joints stable during movement.

Injuries to the finger ligaments can result to lasting complications if not properly diagnosed. Even with correct treatment, permanent finger deformities might arise.

What are the common indications of a torn finger ligament?

Joint instability

The ligaments are responsible for supporting each side of the individual finger joints. These structures maintain the finger bones in the right position.

A torn finger ligament usually triggers sharp pain at the affected joint.

The ligaments on either side of the middle joint of the fingers are typically damaged. When diagnosed by a doctor, the finger moves excessively to one side if pressure is placed on the joint with a ligament tear. This indicates that the ligament is overly stretched or torn.

Excessive mobility

The volar plate is a strong band of connective tissue that crosses the front of the joints in the middle of the fingers. These structures prevent the fingers from flexing excessively backwards.

These plates might be partly or fully torn especially if the finger is driven backwards. An injury can also detach a chunk of bone. It is important to note that the injury can cause the finger joint to dislocate, thus making the finger appear crooked.

Pain and weakness

A torn finger ligament usually triggers sharp pain at the affected joint. The area might also bruise and the entire finger might swell. These indications arise soon after the injury.

In just a few weeks, bruising and swelling eventually settles. Nevertheless, the discomfort often persists for several months as the ligament heals. The weakness of the fingers might arise with diminished joint stability which makes fine motor tasks hard.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on a torn finger ligament is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize the indications of the injury, register for a first aid and CPR course with Mississauga First Aid.

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