What are the possible causes of sacroiliac joint inflammation?

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The sacroiliac joint is situated where the bone at the base of the spine meet the bones of the pelvis. It is formed by the sacrum which is situated above the tailbone and the ilium.

The sacroiliac joint is comprised of tendons, muscles and ligaments. Take note that there are two sacroiliac joints with one on each side of the body. This joint is considered prone to injuries including inflammation. The initial step for treatment is to determine the precise cause of the sacroiliac joint inflammation so that proper care and preventive measures can be taken into consideration. If you want to learn more about the sacroiliac joint, read here.


Sacroiliac joint
Since the inflammation of the sacroiliac joint can lead to back pain, the condition is often incorrectly diagnosed as a herniated disk or other back-related issues.

A direct blow to the sacroiliac joint can eventually lead to inflammation. This includes vehicular accidents or a direct blow to the hip from a fall or sporting event. Since the inflammation of the sacroiliac joint can lead to back pain, the condition is often incorrectly diagnosed as a herniated disk or other back-related issues. Nevertheless, imaging tests are requested to rule out other possible causes.


It is important to note that one of the various inflammatory forms of arthritis can be considered as a contributing factor to the development of sacroiliac joint inflammation. Ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and reactive arthritis are good examples. The inflammation of the joint can be secondary to inflammatory bowel disease. Remember that all of these conditions can instigate inflammation in any part of the body, but they tend to be worse in the spine.

The other types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease can also instigate alterations in the inferior spine that results to the swelling of the sacroiliac joints. The initial step in treatment is to deal with the specific form of arthritis experienced by the individual.


Even though uncommon, an infection can also cause sacroiliac joint inflammation. Since an infection is rarely the cause, the diagnosis and treatment can be delayed. There are various types of bacteria capable of causing this condition.

It can start out as an infection in another part of the body such as the tonsils or an infection in the intestines and then spreads to the sacroiliac joint. Bed rest and a full course of antibiotic therapy are required to deal with the symptoms.


During pregnancy, there are many changes in the body. There is added pressure on the back and pelvis from the weight and size of the fetus. A woman can walk or move in a different way in order to accommodate these changes. Additionally, during this period, the body produces various hormones where some can cause the ligaments in the sacroiliac joint to loosen up, thus making the delivery easier. All of these can contribute to the sacroiliac joint inflammation and pain.

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