Why do I have stomach cramps when eating berries?

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The consumption of berries might trigger stomach cramps in some individuals. In most cases, if an individual eats berries that were bought from the grocery store, the berry seeds have a difficult time moving through the digestive system. Nevertheless, it can also indicate an allergic reaction especially if the individual ate berries while in the wilderness. It is important to identify some of the poisonous berries that grow in the neighborhood and determine symptoms of mild digestive discomfort from the adverse reaction from eating seeds in some berries.

What are the causes of cramps?

The berries that are rich in fiber might trigger stomach cramps due to the seeds or roughage. Both of these can lead to digestive discomfort as they go through the intestines. Individuals who have digestive issues might suffer from severe abdominal cramping after consuming berries and might be eliminated from the diet.

Stomach pain
It is important to identify some of the poisonous berries that grow in the neighborhood and determine symptoms of mild digestive discomfort from the adverse reaction from eating seeds in some berries.

Some individuals who have Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome must avoid berries. It is important to note that foods causing digestive issues in one individual might not affect another individual in the same way. The digestive symptoms and reactions to certain foods are individualized.

Identifying berries

All plants that have berries contain seeds. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are some of the edible fruits that have seeds. The berries brought from the grocery store are edible fruits. Take note that there are some plants that produce fruits that appear like berries, but they are not safe for consumption. If the individual eats a berry from a wild plant and suffers from severe stomach cramps, it is best to seek immediate medical care. By enrolling in a class on first aid today, you know the steps to take is poisoning is suspected.

Berries that causes stomach cramps

There are some fruit plants that produce berries that are detrimental for consumption. The stomach cramps and vomiting occur right after the consumption of toxic berries. Some of the seeds in berries contain toxic compounds such as cyanide. Once these are eaten, the compounds form poisonous gases in the intestines.

Hawthorn plants are fruit plants that contain these poisonous seeds. Other plants that generate toxic berries include cotoneaster, false bittersweet, foxglove, four o’clock, holly, juniper, jack-in-the-pulpit, pokeweed, lily-of-the-valley, yew and sweet peas. Other berry plants that can trigger stomach cramps yet not poisonous include honeysuckle, dogwood, mistletoe, wild strawberries and pyracantha.

Considerations to bear in mind

The toxic berries and roughage caused by the fiber in berries are not the only one responsible for the stomach cramps. Tainted fruits can trigger food poisoning. Chicken, meat, eggs, seafood and other raw foods are the usual sources of food poisoning. Prior to eating berries, it is important to wash hands and the fruit.

You have to pay close attention to the symptoms that occur after eating berries, especially if berries in the wild were eaten. Some of the symptoms that can manifest might indicate poisoning. It is vital to seek immediate medical care if the individual experiences fever, rash, sweats, shortness of breath, disorientation, dizziness and body aches.

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