Sugar allergy

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Sugar allergy can lead to an allergic reaction within the body once an individual consumes sugar. In most cases, sugar intolerance might be the issue since based on some studies, allergy to sugar does not occur. The sad part is that dealing with sugar allergy or intolerance can be burdensome since sugar is present in almost all food naturally or as an added ingredient. Even if this is the case, it might be intolerance to processed or refined sugars. Take note that this condition will limit the types of food the individual can eat which is common among those why have food allergies. If you want to learn more about food allergies, click here.

Sugar allergy or intolerance

In case the symptoms of an allergic response occur in an individual with sugar intolerance, you can distinguish between intolerance and an allergy by removing it from the diet. The moment the reaction subsides, the sugar in the diet must be monitored while it is being reintroduced to the body in order to determine the exact source or if it is a general reaction to sugar.

Symptoms of sugar allergy

Resistance to insulin

An important concern with regards to sugar allergy or intolerance is that it can cause insulin resistance in the body once excessive amount of sugar has been consumed. The individual will likely gain weight and can experience pain in the joints as well as fatigue. Additionally, the nervous system is also affected resulting to forgetfulness and disorientation.

Hyperactivity and fatigue

Sugar allergy
A distinct symptom of sugar allergy or intolerance is hyperactivity that typically occurs since the body could not process the sugar circulating in the bloodstream.

A distinct symptom of sugar allergy or intolerance is hyperactivity that typically occurs since the body could not process the sugar circulating in the bloodstream. Understandably, the individual could not stay still in one place. Take note that this hyperactivity can eventually lead to fatigue. Do not forget that fatigue can also occur on its own.


If the individual experiences an allergic reaction to sugar, he/she can feel depressed. The effect of the sugar circulating in the brain can disrupt the emotional state of the individual.

Diabetes issues

Once the sugar circulating in the bloodstream triggers an allergic reaction in the body, the body will not properly process them. As a result, there are elevated amounts of refined sugar present in the blood, causing an overload on the adrenal glands and the pancreas. Once the adrenal glands and pancreas are overworked, they will likely shut down. This is the reason why sugar allergy or intolerance is an issue among diabetics since once the pancreas malfunctions, the secretion of insulin will decrease or stop.

Alternatives to sugar

If a family member has sugar allergy or intolerance, refined sugars must be removed from the diet. When eating, foods are eaten based on a simplified diet that involves the reintroduction of food in order to monitor which of them can cause an allergic response. There are also natural alternatives to sugar that can be used to add sweetness to foods without causing any complications.

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