Adult ear infection: Commonly used home treatment options

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An adult ear infection occurs if fluid is trapped in the middle ear. The buildup of fluid causes painful pressure which is the characteristic indication of an ear infection.

Common cold or allergy is the usual root for the blockage of the ear fluids. Take note that ear infections are oftentimes managed using antibiotics but the focus is aimed on managing the symptoms at home.


An adult can be given oral pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen as directed to deal with the discomfort.

Antibiotics are given to manage an adult ear infection due to bacteria. The doctor will advise the individual to wait and monitor for up to 3 days. In case the infection lasts beyond this period, an antibiotic is prescribed.

For chronic cases of infection, an antibiotic is given right away. Generally, most antibiotics can deal with the symptoms of an ear infection in just 3 days. If the symptoms persist, a different variant will be given or it is assumed that the infection is viral in nature.

Pain medications for an adult ear infection

An adult can be given oral pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen as directed to deal with the discomfort. Even though the medication can improve the symptoms, it could not cure the infection.

Ear drops

Various forms of ear drops might be effective in relieving the discomfort from an adult ear infection. This includes over-the-counter, prescription and homemade drops. Do not apply if the ear is oozing blood or pus which is an indication of a ruptured eardrum.

Ear compress

A warm or cold compress can be applied over the affected ear to lessen the ear pain. Both types of compress must be applied for around 20 minutes at a time.

The individual should rest in an inclining position while applying the compress to relieve some of the pressure that the fluid places on the middle ear.

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