Brass can trigger a skin reaction or contact dermatitis among highly sensitive individuals. It is important to note that brass is an alloy of zinc and copper, but it might also contain other metals.
Nickel is one of the common metals capable of triggering allergic reactions. A special type of brass known as “nickel silver brass” is widely used for jewelry, musical instruments and various decorative items.
What are the possible causes?
A reaction to any type of metal is triggered once the immune system wrongly identifies metals such as brass or nickel as a threat. An allergic reaction to nickel or metals that contain nickel such as brass is likely to increase after repeated or extended exposure.
Possible indications that I am allergic to brass
The allergy symptoms that occur after exposure to metals such as brass are typically delayed for 24-48 hours after being exposed. In most cases, the symptoms might manifest within 12 hours.
Blisters and dry skin patches that strikingly resemble a burn might also manifest and these can persist for 2-4 weeks.
The doctor might prescribe a corticosteroid cream to minimize the swelling and itchiness. An oral corticosteroid might also be given such as prednisone for a large-sized or severe rash.
Soothing lotions such as calamine, over-the-counter antihistamines and corticosteroid lotions might also be recommended by the doctor if they are suitable for the specific condition of the individual.