Annular skin rash: Why do I have one?

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An annular skin rash is characterized by a circular pattern that are reddened and irritating. A skin rash might be harmless or an indication of major condition.

There are various conditions that can cause an annular skin rash. Proper assessment by a doctor is necessary to precisely determine the root of the rash.

Common causes of an annular skin rash


Ringworm is a form of annular skin rash is brought about by a fungal infection that can arise in any part of the body.

This form of annular skin rash is brought about by a fungal infection that can arise in any part of the body. It causes elevated, itchy patches of skin that have defined perimeters. The exterior boundary of the circular rash has a darker red color than the middle which provides the rash with a ring-like appearance.


The appearance of this skin rash varies depending on the immune response of the individual. Among individuals with darker skin, the rashes might have a deficiency in pigment. It might appear reddened, scaly and precisely defined. Take note that these rashes are usually dry, hairless and might be numb to stimuli.

Pityriasis rosea

This form of annular skin rash has a scale-like pattern of elevated red circles that sweep outward from the middle skin of the trunk and downwards. The condition is prevalent among children and young adults.

Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare is also a form of annular skin rash that typically covers the feet, hands, ankles and wrists with skin-colored, smooth or reddened papules or patches. The condition settles on its own but might last for up to 2 years.

Lyme disease

Lyme disease is spread by an infected tick carrying the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria once they bite humans. The immune system might effectively fight off the infection but others might progress to a localized response or systemic inflammatory disease.

The skin rash will manifest within 10 days after being bitten. It has a bull’s-eye appearance with a middle region of normal skin bordered by a red ring.

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