Bankart tear

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A Bankart tear is a definite form of damage to a region of the shoulder joint known as the labrum.

As a manner to counterbalance for the low socket, the shoulder joint has the labrum which is cartilage cuff that creates a profound socket for the ball of the upper part of the humerus to move inside. This cartilage cuff stabilizes the shoulder joint yet allows a wide variety of movement.

Indications of a Bankart tear

Once the labrum of the shoulder is ripped, the stability of the joint might be compromised. A Bankart tear generally occurs once an individual ends up with a shoulder dislocation. Once the shoulder is out of alignment, it often rips the labrum especially among younger individuals.

The usual signs of the injury include:

  • Instability or giving out of the shoulder
  • Catching sensation in the shoulder joint
  • Repeated dislocation that often occurs easily over time
  • Shoulder pain including in the upper arm


There are 2 main options used in managing a Bankart tear. An option is to ensure that the affected arm can rest and the tenderness to settle with a sling.

This is followed by physical therapy to restore movement of the extremity. The only drawback of this option is that those who end up with a dislocation are likely to end up injured in the future.

The other option is to perform surgery to fix the torn labrum. Once surgery is done, the ripped ligament is reinstated to the shoulder socket. The outcome of the procedure is generally good where most individuals can resume activities without any future dislocations.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a Bankart tear is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize the signs of the injury by taking a standard first aid course with Mississauga First Aid.

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