Substance Abuse Patients

Bleeding in the brain: What are the causes?

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The bleeding in the brain or hemorrhagic stroke is a life-threatening condition. The rupture of a blood vessel disrupts with the blood supply to some brain cells. Other cells are damaged by pressure since the skull could not swell to accommodate the blood. Remember that bleeding compresses the brain tissues which lead to the destruction of the brain cells.

The brain is not capable of regenerating the damaged cells, thus the brain functions that are lost due to a stroke will not recover. In some cases of bleeding in the brain, they are triggered by unavoidable conditions but most of the risk factors that contribute to bleeding in the brain can be managed.


Those who smoke face a higher risk for bleeding in the brain or hemorrhagic stroke. Individuals who find it hard to quit smoking can minimize the risk if they can reduce the amount they smoke.

High blood pressure

Bleeding in the brain
Those who smoke face a higher risk for bleeding in the brain or hemorrhagic stroke.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a risk factor for bleeding in the brain. It is responsible for causing most cases of hemorrhagic stroke. The blood vessels initially form protruding areas with weakened walls which is known as aneurysms.

Most cases of hemorrhagic strokes are due to ruptured aneurysms. These form among individuals with high blood pressure and are likely to rupture once the blood flowing through them is under pressure. The normal, healthy blood vessels rarely break. Hypertension is affected by exercise and diet and can be managed with medications if other measures fail.

Anti-clotting medications

Individuals who are using anti-clotting medications face a higher risk for bleeding in the brain. Doctors face a dilemma when these medications are prescribed since they prevent ischemic stroke where a blood clot clogs up the flow of blood to a part of the brain, but no vessel ruptures.

Since blood thinners need careful balancing to minimize the risk for an ischemic stroke without increasing the risk for bleeding, those who use them must work hand in hand with a doctor to monitor the medication level regularly.

Alcohol or drug abuse

Heavy consumption of alcohol and drugs can increase the risk for bleeding in the brain especially among young people. Individuals in their 20s and 30s face the highest risk.

Blood clotting conditions

Blood clotting issues such as sickle-cell anemia and hemophilia can lead to bleeding in the brain. Large-sized clots in the blood can cause the vessels to swell, forming an aneurysm that has the tendency to rupture. Those who have these conditions should have their blood pressure closely monitored.

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