Chest Discomfort or Pain

Chest pain

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Chest pain is any form of discomfort felt in the upper body, starting from the jaw up to the bottom of the ribs. Since it might be an indication of a heart attack, it is safe to consider chest pain as heart-related until confirmed otherwise.

Is it a heart attack?

Chest pain
Pain or discomfort in the middle of the chest (tightness, heaviness or pressure)

The warning indications of a heart attack tends to vary and might not always be abrupt or severe. An individual with a heart attack might have one of these symptoms or a combination. They usually occur abruptly or develop over minutes and become progressively worse. In most cases, the symptoms typically last for at least 10 minutes.

An individual having a heart attack might have one of these symptoms or a combination. They can occur abruptly or develop in minutes and become progressively worse. In most cases, the symptoms typically last for at least 10 minutes.

Warning indications

  • Pain or discomfort in the middle of the chest (tightness, heaviness or pressure)
  • Discomfort in the shoulder, arms, neck, jaw or back
  • Other issues such as choking sensation on the throat, shortness of breath, arms feel heavy, feeling nauseated, having a cold sweat or feeling lightheaded or dizzy

What should I do for chest pain?

If an individual has any of the symptoms stated, call for emergency assistance. If an individual feels chest pain but not accompanied by any of the symptoms above, it is still recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that further assessment can be carried out.


Call for emergency assistance right away for the following:

  • Chest pain is intense or becomes worse or persists longer than 10 minutes
  • There is heaviness, tightness or crushing sensation
  • Other symptoms such as nausea, breathlessness, dizziness or cold sweat are present
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw or down the left arm

Try to keep the individual calm and quiet and loosen up any tight clothing. If the individual has been prescribed with anginine, let him/her sit or lie down and take a dosage under the tongue. If this does not relieve the symptoms in 5 minutes, try using 2 more doses at 5 minute intervals.

If the individual is not allergic to aspirin, the individual can be given a tablet to chew on. In case the pain is not what is being described above, it is vital to consult a doctor soon. Remember, all forms of chest pain must be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

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