Psoriasis is a prevalent form of skin condition which is characterized by dense, rough dry buildup of the outer skin layer. The thick regions of skin are known as plaques and usually form on the elbows, scalp, knees and buttocks, but can form in any part of the skin.
If an individual is diagnosed with psoriasis, the outer skin layer produces new cells rapidly than usual. These additional cells turn into thick plaques. The root cause is not known but it is believed to be an immune disorder. In addition, the condition tends to run in families.
What are the signs?
The usual signs include dry, rough dense areas of skin. Oftentimes, the skin beneath the plaques is slightly reddened. Itchiness may or might not be present.
In most cases, the skin condition manifest as patches. However, it arises as several, small scaly regions. The condition can affect the toenails and fingernails, leading to dents or pits in them. In severe cases, the nails thicken and become deformed.
The indications of psoriasis range from mild to severe. They tend to worsen if the individual is upset, injured or sick.
Management of psoriasis
The treatment is usually based on the signs present. The initial objective is to lessen the discomfort and slow down the generation of skin cells to prevent or lessen the buildup of plaque. The second objective is to control the skin condition for aesthetic reasons especially on areas that are exposed if dressed for school, work or formal occasions.
The doctor might prescribe an ointment or cream to be applied on the skin. In serious cases, medications are needed to keep the immune system from overly reacting and stop the accumulation of excess skin cells.