Diabetes: What are the signs after eating?

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Diabetes is a disease that affects how the body responds and utilizes glucose. The blood sugar or glucose is the main energy source of the body that is taken from food.


Various symptoms of diabetes can arise after eating in which the level of glucose is directly affected as a response to food. Remember that many individuals have diabetes but not aware that they have it. In case any of the symptoms of diabetes are present, a doctor should be consulted.

Hunger after eating

Even though foods provide nourishment and energy, diabetic individuals might feel tired rather than energized after a meal due to the drop in the blood sugar level.

After eating, glucose from food enters the bloodstream and moves via the body and into the cells. The hormone insulin which is produced by the pancreas converts glucose into energy.

Since individuals who were diagnosed with diabetes do not have the usual response to glucose, they end up with a drop in the blood sugar or hypoglycemia. Hunger that arises after eating is a typical sign of hypoglycemia among those with diabetes.

It is important to note that hypoglycemia can arise abruptly and likely to occur if a diabetic makes poor food choices, unable to take the right medication or overeats. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can also trigger hypoglycemia such as hunger.

Increased thirst and urination

Individuals with diabetes might also have hyperglycemia or high blood sugar after meals due to the surplus buildup of glucose in the blood. Once this occurs, the kidneys try to filer and absorb the excess sugar.

If the glucose level is excessively high, the kidneys could not keep up. As a result, the excess is eliminated via urine which also leads to frequent urination. Once this occurs, thirst also increases.

Remember that excessive thirst and frequent urination are some of the usual signs of diabetes and often the initial ones before a diagnosis is given.

Tiredness or fatigue

Even though foods provide nourishment and energy, diabetic individuals might feel tired rather than energized after a meal due to the drop in the blood sugar level.

This symptom typically occurs after eating a large or sugary meal or dessert. Individuals with diabetes frequently feel tired after eating which is a potentially severe sign.

Those who are diagnosed with the disease can recognize these signs promptly and depend on glucose tablets, foods containing glucose or fruit juices to increase their blood sugar level before the symptoms worsen.

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