Eyebrow twitching

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Eyebrow twitching are involuntary motions where the skin around the eyebrow moves. The spasms can last for a few seconds or hours. In most cases, the twitching settles without treatment.

What are the possible causes of eyebrow twitching?

Various causes can trigger eyebrow twitching that range from excess intake of coffee or lack of sleep. In some cases, it might be a sign of a serious condition, thus it is best to see a doctor to determine the underlying cause.


Large intake of coffee can trigger eyebrow twitching. Monitor the amount of caffeine ingested and degree of twitching that occurs if both are linked. In case the eyes twitch more when drinking caffeine, limit coffee, soda, tea and energy drinks.


Eyebrow twitching
If the eyes are overly worked, it can result to eyebrow twitching.

Certain drug such as antiepileptic or antipsychotics can trigger eyebrow twitching. If these drugs are the cause, a doctor should be consulted whether an alternative can be used.

Alcohol, tobacco or drugs

Tobacco, alcohol or using recreational drugs can trigger twitching of the eyebrows. Lowering the intake of alcohol and avoiding tobacco and recreational drugs can remedy the issue.


Stress can trigger a variety of physical reactions including eyebrow twitching. All possible sources of stress must be eliminated. If this is not possible, the individual should try relaxation techniques such as medication or exercise.


If the eyes are overly worked, it can result to eyebrow twitching. If the individual squints a lot outside, it is best to use sunglasses. When working on a computer for long hours, take a break every now and then. The twitching might be a sign that it is time for a new prescription especially those who wear glasses or contact lenses.


Individuals with allergies might be prone to twitching. Histamine is released if the individual rubs the irritated eyes which leads to twitching. Drugs and treatment options that lessen the allergy symptoms can help.

What is the outlook?

Eyebrow twitching typically subsides without treatment and lifestyle changes. If the changes in the habits, stress levels or diet fail to work, a doctor must be seen to rule out any underlying conditions.

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