Foot tendinitis: What are the suitable treatment options?

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Foot tendonitis is often linked to inflammation of the plantar fascia. It is the tendon positioned on the base of the foot. The condition is generally triggered by overuse and repetitive motions during certain exercises such as jumping, running or sprinting. This results to miniature tears in the tendons where it becomes inflamed if not allowed to properly heal.

The indications of foot tendonitis generally include foot pain or rigidity upon getting out of the bed in the morning or when starting a workout. The discomfort might subside during activity once the tendon warms up but later arises after. If detected early, the treatment is relatively simple.

Adequate rest

The activity responsible for the foot pain should be determined and must be reduced or eliminated until the discomfort is gone.

The activity responsible for the foot pain should be determined and must be reduced or eliminated until the discomfort is gone.

The individual should avoid running or playing despite the pain since this will only make it worse. Remember that adequate rest is the ideal way to allow healing to take place. The individual can still stay active by choosing activities that do not stress on the foot such as swimming.

Application of ice

Cold helps lessen the pain and inflammation. Simply cover the ice pack with a clean towel or cloth and apply on the base of the foot at 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes per session.

Stretching regimen

Once the discomfort has settled, gently stretch the foot, ankle and calf 3-4 times throughout the day. It is recommended to focus on stretching the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon. Remember that taut tendons and muscles will only trigger inflammation and place more strain on the foot.

Pain medications

The doctor might suggest a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to lessen the swelling if the plantar fascia is inflamed.


Massage can help in alleviating the pain due to foot tendonitis. A therapist can pinpoint the muscles, tendons and ligaments that are taut and loosen them to lessen the pressure. Any adhesions and scar tissue that causes tightness can be broken up.

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