Hamstring muscle contusion

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A hamstring muscle contusion is generally due to a direct strike to the rear part of the thigh. As a result, the muscle is compressed against the bone.


This type of injury is prevalent in contact sports. An impact to the muscle can cause more damage. It is important to note that the muscle is trampled against the bone. If not properly treated or done in an aggressive manner, myositis ossificans might develop.

What are the indications?

It is quite evident if an individual sustained a hard impact on the back part of the thigh, but the damage and seriousness of the injury might not be clear.

The signs of a hamstring muscle contusion typically include pain at the site of the injury. There is also swelling or bruising along with limited movement.

After 2-3 days, it is vital to check:

  • If the puffiness has not abated, it is a sign of an intramuscular injury.
  • In case the bleeding becomes widespread and triggered bruising at areas far from the injury, it is a sign of an intermuscular injury.
  • If the muscle can be contracted, it is a sign of an intermuscular injury

A correct diagnosis must be given for the injury. Remember that attempting to engage in any exercise or physical activity with a full rupture or a severe intramuscular injury can disrupt proper healing which can aggravate the damage or result to long-lasting disability.

Hamstring muscle contusion
For a grade 1 hamstring muscle contusion, there is tightness in the rear part of the leg.

Management of a hamstring muscle contusion

A hamstring muscle contusion is graded based on its severity.

Grade 1

For a grade 1 hamstring muscle contusion, there is tightness in the rear part of the leg. The individual might walk with a possible limp.

This is managed with adequate rest and application of ice right away. An ice pack can be applied for 10-15 minutes with compression every hour during the initial 24-48 hours.

Grade 2

With this form of injury, the individual could not walk normally and experience abrupt twinges of pain during activity. There is also minimal swelling and tenderness if the site of injury is pressed. If the hamstring muscle is contracted, it produces pain and limited range of movement.

Apply an ice pack and compression right away. The individual should not use the affected leg for 3-5 days.

Grade 3

The individual could not walk without crutches. There is intense pain and immediate swelling. There is pain during static contraction and a bulge might form in the muscle. In case the injury is quite severe, surgical intervention might be suggested.

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