How to deal with a tick infestation

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A tick infestation can occur even with a single tick that is taken into the house. It is possible for contact to occur with a tick if there are brushy or wooded areas close to the house and when spending time outdoors during warm weather.

A tick can attach on the body and bury its head into the skin. The usual sites include:

  • Underarms
  • Groin
  • Hair
  • Inside the ears
  • Behind the knee
  • Inside the belly button

In most cases, a tick infestation can occur once the tick reproduces. They can lay their eggs in different areas in the house but usually near windows, baseboards, furniture, rug edges and even curtains.

What are the signs of a tick infestation?

During a tick infestation in the house, several ticks can be found on the body or on pets. Ticks prefer areas that are warm and moist. When a tick has a preferred site, it burrows its head firmly into the skin and a bite is relatively harmless.

tick infestation
The rashes that form with the tick-borne ailments makes it easier for the doctor to decide on a diagnosis.

A tick infestation is present if a family member develops a tick-borne ailment. The potential effects of these ailments can vary from minor to severe. Some of the usual symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Rashes
  • Body aches that is the same as the flu
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches

The rashes that form with the tick-borne ailments makes it easier for the doctor to decide on a diagnosis. Nevertheless, the rashes might subside after the other symptoms manifest and the illness continues to progress.

When to consult a doctor

A doctor should be seen if the individual was bitten by a tick and he/she develop signs of a tick-borne ailment.

One of the initial signs is a rash that is accompanied by fever. In most cases, antibiotics are generally used in managing tick-borne ailments.

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