Joint inflammation is described as stiffness, pain and swelling and oftentimes evident reddening in the knees, ankles, hips, wrist or any other joint. It is important to note that arthritis is considered as a form of joint inflammation and develops once the cartilage amidst the joints wears away, causing the bones to rub against each other. Minor cases of joint inflammation can be managed at home with measures to relieve the pain. To learn to recognize and manage joint injuries and conditions, sign up for first aid training today.
Adequate rest
It is vital to rest the affected body part during a flare-up of joint inflammation and pain. If the individual cannot take a full break away from work or certain activities, he/she can modify by using a cane or other assistive devices to take the pressure off the sore joints. It is recommended to stabilize an inflamed joint by using a splint or pressure bandage to prevent repetitive use of the affected joint.
Application of warm or cold compress
A warm or cold compress will provide relief to joint inflammation at home. The warmth provided by a heating pad or hot water bottle can relieve the stiffness and dull the pain. The application of a cold compress or ice pack can momentarily numb the affected area and an effective remedy for muscle spasms that can occur along with the swollen joints. It is best to place a towel or cloth between the skin and the source of heat to avoid burning the skin. This must also be observed when using an ice pack since direct application of cold on the skin can lead to damage. The application of cold or warm compress should last for 20 minutes at a time several times in a day.
Pain relief
Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can minimize joint inflammation for several hours. The topically applied creams can be used directly on the swollen joint and readily available over-the-counter. If the individual is uncertain regarding the safety of a particular medication, a doctor must be consulted.
Anti-inflammation diet
When it comes to chronic joint inflammation, it can be improved with diet adjustments. In a study conducted, vitamin B6 is connected to reduced levels of inflammation and oxidative stress all over the body.
The individual must include foods in the diet that are packed with this vitamin including beef, certain types of fish such as tuna or halibut, cabbage, potatoes, bananas, grapes, avocado, red bell pepper and cauliflower.
Even omega-3 fatty acids can help control and prevent inflammation. Salmon, flaxseed products, walnuts, shrimp, tofu and scallops are ideal dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Remember that both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B6 are readily available as dietary supplements.