Humerus fracture

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A humerus fracture is a break in the upper arm bone that can occur on any part of the bone from the neck of the humerus close to the shoulder up to the distal end at the elbow. Any form of fracture close to the elbow is called as a supracondylar fracture. This type of fracture can occur among those who engage in certain sports or during vehicular accidents.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of a humerus fracture include abrupt pain in the arm at the time of injury. The individual will find it difficult to move the affected arm either bending the elbow or raising the arm upwards. There is also deformity of the arm if the bone is displaced. Swelling and bruising are also likely to occur. In addition, compound fractures occur once the bone pierces through the skin.

What is a humerus fracture?

A fracture can be acute which occurs due to a direct impact or force or a stress fracture that steadily develops over time. Stress fractures of the humerus are considered rare since it is not considered as a weight-bearing bone.

Humerus fracture
The symptoms of a humerus fracture include abrupt pain in the arm at the time of injury.

A rare form of fracture is commonly seen in sports that involve throwing which is called a spiral fracture to the middle shaft of the bone, right below the attachment of the deltoid muscle. A humerus fracture typically occurs due to a fall on an extended arm. In addition, vehicular accidents can also cause a fracture.

Treatment of humerus fractures

It is vital to seek medical attention right away if an individual is suspected with this form of fracture. An X-ray will be requested by the doctor to confirm the location of the fracture and assess the presence or degree of displacement. The arm is usually placed in a temporary cast or splint while the swelling subsides. Take note that a full cast is fitted 2-3 days later and stays in place for 4-8 weeks.

Once the two ends of the bone are displaced or the bone is broken into more than 2 parts, surgery might be the best option to restore functionality of the affected arm. This will be utilized in order to realign the bone and fix the parts by using wires or pines while the bone heals.

To learn to recognize and manage bone injuries including a humerus fractures, sign up for a first aid course with a credible Canadian provider near you.  In doing so, you can readily ease the symptoms experienced by the individual as well as prevent further injury until medical care can be sought.

It is always best to consult a doctor for any type of fracture. This will ensure that proper assessment is carried out and the suitable form of treatment will be started in order to restore functionality of the affected arm.

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