Ideal medications for sinus headaches

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A sinus headache is triggered by the inflammation of the sinuses. It is important to note that sinusitis is considered one of the most common chronic health issues that affect millions of individuals all over the globe.

Sinus headaches cause a throbbing, dull pain all over the head and can lead to tooth pain, earaches and sensitivity of the eyes. The best way to manage a sinus headache is to address the source of the pain. Once the inflammation in the sinuses is reduced, it will allow the mucus to freely flow and minimize the amount of pressure that accumulates. Before using any medications to relieve the pain, it is best to consult a doctor first so that the right one can be given.

Pain medications

Sinus headaches
Sinus headaches cause a throbbing, dull pain all over the head and can lead to tooth pain, earaches and sensitivity of the eyes.

Acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen can be used to reduce the pain linked to sinus headaches. Ibuprofen and aspirin work by reducing the inflammation and pain at the same time, thus making them ideal for managing the sinus pain due to inflammation.

For those who could not use ibuprofen or aspirin such as young children and pregnant women, acetaminophen can be given to alleviate the pain. There are various over-the-counter medications that include a pain reliever and decongestant. It is vital to carefully read the labels to avoid an accidental overdose.


Decongestants are considered the best in managing sinus headaches. These medications work by minimizing the swelling of the sinus cavity by reducing the flow of blood. This action helps restore the ability of the individual to breathe via the nostrils and properly drain fluid in the sinus cavity.

Over-the-counter drugs include phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine. Both are effective in reducing the swelling in the sinus cavity but have certain side effects. Decongestants are known to cause an increase in the heart rate, nervousness and sleeplessness. An individual who has previous heart issues should not use a decongestant. A doctor should be consulted before these medications are taken.


Antihistamines are utilized to managed sinus headaches linked to allergies or excessive mucus in the sinus cavity. These medications work by blocking the ability of the body to release histamine which is a hormone that triggers the allergy symptoms.

Antihistamines prevent the sinus cavity from being inflamed if linked to allergies and reduces the amount of fluid present in the sinuses. The older versions of antihistamines such as diphenhydramine can cause significant drowsiness and must not be used when driving or operating heavy machinery. The newer versions such as loratidine will not cause drowsiness among healthy individuals.

Depending on the severity of the sinus headache experienced by the individual, the doctor knows the right medications to be taken. If in doubt on the medications to use, a doctor should be consulted.

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