Milk protein intolerance

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Milk protein intolerance is best described as the sensitivity of an individual to certain proteins that are present in cow’s milk. It is important to note that this intolerance can cause several adverse side effects. Some of these symptoms are serious than others. Infants and young children are susceptible to these symptoms since they could not verbalize their concerns. It cannot be denied that milk protein intolerance can cause a lot of discomfort but there are now other substitutes for cow’s milk available in the market.

In most cases, many confuse lactose intolerance with this type of intolerance. Those with milk protein intolerance experience adverse symptoms from casein or whey proteins. The symptoms among children are always connected to milk protein intolerance. The doctor will usually diagnose the condition through testing and diagnosing the symptoms.

Considerations to bear in mind

Milk protein intolerance can be annoying for young mothers with infants. Babies usually suffer from bloody stools, diarrhea or colic due to their intolerance to cow’s milk. Luckily, there are hypoallergenic substitutes available in the market. Breastfeeding is a good option but the baby can still suffer from the adverse side effects if the mother consumes casein or whey protein.

Based on studies, a small percentage of children are diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is believed that this condition can be triggered by milk protein intolerance. Understandably, the intolerance to milk will make children temperamental and aggressive which is an indication of ADHD. Nevertheless, children can also respond by being more withdrawn which is a symptom of ADD.

What are the symptoms of milk protein intolerance?

Cheese allergy
Individuals who are intolerant to lactose typically suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms that are similar to dairy allergy such as cramping, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and flatulence.

Aside from colic and diarrhea, infants with milk protein intolerance can suffer from various symptoms including weight loss, irritability, asthma, chronic congestion, and hives and vomiting. Most of these infants can outgrow the condition by the time they reach a year old.

Older children can also suffer the similar reactions. They often experience watery eyes, runny nose, hives, flatulence, skin rashes, ear infections and even anemia. The symptoms in adults include gastritis, headaches, lightheadedness, skin rashes, vertigo, jock itch, nasal and sinus congestion, anxiety and depression, asthma, nausea and bronchitis. If you will register in a first aid class, you will learn how to manage the symptoms linked to this intolerance.

In some adults, they can also develop severe intestinal symptoms from milk protein intolerance. Take note that these symptoms can include irritable bowel syndrome and GERD in which food or liquid returns back from the stomach into the esophagus. Some of these symptoms can manifest hours after the consumption of milk while others can take several days to occur.

Preventive measures

Individuals with milk protein intolerance must avoid dairy products, salad dressings and other products that might contain casein or whey. Due to the increasing use of casein and whey in various products in the market, it can be difficult to find options to choose from. It is best to consult a doctor so that good alternatives can be recommended.

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