MRSA or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus is a skin infection brought about by the staph bacteria. The bacteria could not be treated with the widely used antibiotics. Although rare, it is becoming common among children.
If a child is suspected with a MRSA infection, it is vital to treat the infection rapidly to prevent the bacteria from spreading to others.
What are the indications?
Various strains of bacteria are present on the skin and do not cause any issues unless introduced into the body. If a child has a wound or cut, it serves as an entry point for the MRSA bacteria.
The usual indications of a MRSA infection in children include:
- Fever
- Lump or bump that is swollen and hard
- Discomfort at the site of the bump
A MRSA infection can spread to the lungs and blood, resulting to conditions such as pneumonia. - Drainage of pus from the site
- Warmth at the site of the bump and adjacent area
Management of MRSA infection in children
A MRSA infection can spread to the lungs and blood, resulting to conditions such as pneumonia. Due to this, it is vital to seek prompt medical care. Generally, the doctor will prescribe a combination of oral and topical antibiotics.
Some of the antibiotics that are used include sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and clindamycin.
The prescribed course of antibiotics must be completed to ensure that the bacteria is eliminated. This also reduces the risk for the child to develop resistance to the antibiotics.
Aside from oral antibiotics, a topical antibiotic ointment is given, usually mupirocin which is applied on the interior parts of the nose to lessen the amount of MRSA bacteria. It can also be applied directly on the affected lesion. Once the affected site is cleaned and dry, the ointment is applied using a cotton swab.