Overview on hepatitis C infection

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Hepatitis C infection is a viral condition that results to inflammation and damage to the liver. The condition is caused by the hepatitis C virus that spreads via physical contact with the virus via sexual activity, infected blood or with other bodily fluids.


In some cases, the condition is very mild and only triggers symptoms for a few weeks. The condition can also become a serious, long-lasting ailment that can be dangerous especially if liver scarring occurs or cancer develops.

What are the indications?

Upon initial infection with the hepatitis C virus, there are no symptoms present. Once the virus remains in the body, the symptoms start to manifest.

The usual signs of an acute case of hepatitis C infection might include:

  • Fatigue
    Generally, hepatitis C infection is managed with antiviral medications that focuses on the hepatitis C virus.
  • Fever
  • Appetite loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Jaundice or yellowing of the skin
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dark-colored urine and pale stools
  • Enlargement of the liver

Management of hepatitis C infection

Generally, hepatitis C infection is managed with antiviral medications that focuses on the hepatitis C virus. These drugs work by eliminating the virus and lowering the risk for scarring and liver cancer.

If there is significant damage to the liver including an advanced phase of cirrhosis and liver cancer, a liver transplant might be recommended. If the liver endured serious damage and there is a high risk for complications, receiving a new liver is the ideal option.

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