Overview on pulmonary valve stenosis

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Pulmonary valve stenosis is an ailment brought about by the narrowing or constriction of the pulmonary valve opening. The condition results to reduced flow of blood from the lower right chamber or ventricle to the pulmonary arteries which supplies blood to the lungs.

The condition is typically due to a congenital heart defect. Nevertheless, the condition in rare instances can arise due to infections such as rheumatic fever or carcinoid syndrome.

Who are at risk?

For mild cases of pulmonary valve stenosis, the individual will not experience any evident symptoms.

Pulmonary valve stenosis is considered rare among adults and generally brought about by a birth defect. When it comes to moderate to severe cases, it is usually diagnosed during childhood due to the evident heart murmur linked with the condition.

Indications of pulmonary valve stenosis

For mild cases of pulmonary valve stenosis, the individual will not experience any evident symptoms. For moderate to severe cases, some of the following symptoms might be present:

  • Fatigue
  • Heart murmur
  • Low tolerance for physical activity or exercise
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fainting
  • Chest pain or palpitations

Management of pulmonary valve stenosis

Always bear in mind that treatment is required if the pressure in the right ventricle is high. The increased pressure in the ventricle can result to the enlargement of the heart and eventually heart failure.

It is good to note that individuals with mild cases of pulmonary stenosis can often maintain good heart function without becoming worse. Nevertheless, depending on the severity of the stenosis, the valve might be fixed or replaced with surgery or via a minimally invasive procedure.

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