Poison-proof your home – How to prevent poisoning

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There are many household products used at home that poses a threat to safety since they can be dangerous. It is important that you know which products are poisonous, protecting your family members from ingesting them accidentally and the appropriate first aid measures to perform in case poisoning occurs.

Who are at risk for poisoning?

Almost every year, many people die from accidental poisoning and most victims are children. It is a known fact that children especially those below five years old are very inquisitive and constantly explores their surroundings.

It is sad to note that what children see and hold often ends up in their mouths. Once babies reach the crawling stage, they might find dishwashing detergents and drain cleaners under the sink. Once they reach toddlerhood, they can easily grab medications and furniture polish if they are not properly stored.

In no time, children start to climb by dragging a chair just to reach items that they are interested such as medications and even perfumes that are considered as potential poisons. Take note that children will eat and drink almost anything. Additionally, some substances do not have to be ingested to be toxic since some can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled.

Common causes of poisoning

When it comes to food poisoning, it can cause abdominal pain.

Most cases of exposure to poison are accidental and can be prevented. Insecticides that are used at home are also a common form of accidental poisoning since they are usually bought in large quantities and stored in open cupboards, thus they are easily accessed by toddlers.

Iron pills are also considered as common causes of accidental poisoning that led to death among toddlers. Always bear in mind that vitamin and mineral supplements can seem harmless but if ingested in large doses, they can be dangerous. Alcohol, vitamins, birth control pills, nail polish remover, tranquilizers, plant fertilizer, pesticides and hobby chemicals are potential dangerous if ingested by young children.

How to prevent accidental poisoning

The key in preventing accidental poisoning is simple – do not allow children access to toxic substances. Telling children that a particular cabinet is not safe is not enough. You have to lock cabinets and place the appropriate label. Make sure that the child knows what is off limits but also actively take steps to prevent accidental poisoning. It is important to be familiar with the following safety tips for adults and children.

  • Medications must be stored separately from household products.
  • Keep all household products and medications out of children’s reach, preferably in a cabinet that can be locked.
  • If certain products are used, do not let them out of sight.
  • Store household products and medications in their original containers. Do not transfer them in other containers such as paper cups and soft drink bottles.
  • If possible, do not take medications if children are around since they tend to imitate adults.
  • Do not remove the original labels on products and make sure that you have read the labels before and after using.

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