Potential causes of bronchial infection

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Bronchial infections can cause the lining of the bronchial tubes to swell which is called as bronchitis. The bronchi are the major air passageways to the lungs while the small bronchial tubes are situated deeper within the chest. Once an infection develops in this area, the individual can experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing, chest constriction and wheezing. Medical care might be needed depending on the severity of the symptoms experienced by the individual. Those who experience breathing difficulty must seek immediate medical care as soon as possible.


If you suspect that an individual is showing symptoms of bronchial infection, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to determine the exact cause, whether it is viral, bacterial or even fungal. In doing so, the appropriate treatment can be started to prevent the condition from worsening. By enrolling in a course on first aid today, you can learn measures to help ease the symptoms experienced by the individual.

Bronchial infection
Once an infection develops in this area, the individual can experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing, chest constriction and wheezing.

Bacterial causes

The cases of bacterial bronchial infection are usually secondary infections triggered by a virus. During exposure to the bacteria within the bronchial pathways, the microbes can hastily reproduce which results to a secondary infection. The discolored sputum usually green or yellow indicates the presence of bacteria. The doctor will instruct the individual to expel any mucus inside the respiratory cavity. Individuals who current have bacterial bronchial infections are typically prescribed with antibiotics such as amoxicillin or azithromycin as part of the treatment.

Viral causes

Always bear in mind that bronchial infections typically develop from a virus from flu or common cold. Since these are transmittable diseases, they spread from one individual to another and spread through exposure to an infected cough. Contact with the nose, mouth or eyes right after exposure to the respiratory fluids from an infected individual will trigger an infection. The viral infections typically run their course. Nevertheless, the doctor will prescribe antivirals for progressive infections that lead to pneumonia. The administration of oxygen, increasing the fluid intake and humidified air can manage the symptoms of minor to moderate bronchial infection caused by a virus.

Fungal causes

In some cases, fungi might cause a bronchial infection particularly among those who have a weakened immune system. Even though rare, certain species of fungi such as candida can lead to acute bronchitis which can last for several weeks up or even up to several months.

Fungi essentially thrive on and within the body. Among those who have weakened immune systems, the body might not be able to properly control the fungi in check. Since bronchial infections caused by fungi can be hard to manage, the doctor will prescribe strong antifungal drugs in most cases. In most circumstances, the infection has the tendency to recur which would require further treatment.

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