Treatment for common sports injuries

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When it comes to sports injuries, there are a variety of treatment options that you should be familiar with in case a family member or friend sustained an injury while playing a particular sport.


The ideal way to manage any sports injuries is prevention. If the individual trains correctly, being familiar with the injury warning signs and taking enough rest in between workouts, the individual is more likely to avoid injuries in the first place.

Paying close attention to pain

If the individual notices any pain during a workout or exercise, he/she should stop the activity and try to determine the cause of the pain. In addition, it is vital to pay attention where the pain originates. Remember that understanding the pain can often help the individual identify the exact cause, the right treatment as well as promote faster healing.

If the individual notices any pain during a workout or exercise, he/she should stop the activity and try to determine the cause of the pain.

Stop any form of activity

If the individual experiences any of the warning signs of injury such as joint tenderness, pain or nagging ache during exercise, he/she should stop and rest. A number of individuals train despite the pain, but joint or muscle pain or soreness is often a warning sign of overtraining.

Once the muscles are fatigued, they are more likely to become injured. The damaged muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons take a long time to fully heal and once they are injured, they are prone to injury.

Treatment of muscle soreness

It is important to note that delayed onset muscle soreness typically occur when an individual is overdoing a new exercise routine or activity without allowing a gradual increase in base fitness for the activity. Even though it is not always avoidable, the soreness can be a warning to continuing exercise.

Application of ice for acute sports injuries

The application of ice helps reduce the inflammation and pain. When ice is used, it is vital to observe the safe application of ice. Make sure that you will apply the ice pack over the injured joint or muscle for 15-20 minutes at 2-3 times in a day.

Application of heat for chronic sports injuries

Take note that heat should be used for acute injuries, but often useful for chronic injuries or those that does not have swelling or inflammation. Stiff, sore or nagging joint or muscle pain responds well to heat.

Using heat before an exercise routine can increase the elasticity of the joint connective tissues and stimulate the flow of blood. In addition, heat can also help relax tightened muscles.

Anti-inflammatory medications

In most cases of soft tissues injuries, they are painful due to the swelling and inflammation that occurs after an injury. Pain relief is often the main reason why many utilize over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications that work by reducing the inflammation after an injury.

Physical therapy

Take note that physical therapy has been a standard in treating various sports injuries. This helps restore the function and restore strength after common sports injuries.

Cortisone injections

Cortisone is the commonly used injected steroid due to its anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues, especially tendon and joint injuries.


The surgical treatment for sports injuries might be required after traumatic injuries such as a fracture or ligament involvement or if the conservative measures fail.

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