What are the complications of gout?

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Gout is considered as a type of arthritis that involves abrupt and intense pain and swelling in the joint. The commonly affected joint is the big toe in the foot. If the individual has an increased level of uric acid in the body, it can lead to the development of gout. An acute attack of gout can cause intense pain in the joint but if treatment is not provided, it can lead to long-term complications that can affect the life of the individual. There are measures that can help provide relief to the symptoms. All you have to do is to enroll in a first aid class today.

Damage to the joint

If gout is not treated right away, the condition can progress and eventually destroy the cartilage and bone within the joints. The damage caused by gout can cause a lot of pain and lead to irreversible deformities on the affected joints. In severe cases, the destruction of the joint can result to permanent disability.

The damage caused by gout can cause a lot of pain and lead to irreversible deformities on the affected joints.


The formation of uric acid crystals can accumulate beneath the skin. The accumulation of uric acid is called as tophi. These are small, white lumps under the skin of the individual. It is important to note that tophi typically develop on the fingers, toes and ears but they can also occur in the throat or spinal cord.

These lumps are usually painless but can cause damage to the surrounding tissue and bone in rare cases. Understandably, this leads to chronic pain at the site of the tophi and can affect the daily activities of the individual when performing simple tasks at home or work. The type of symptoms caused by tophi depends on the location where they developed.  If tophi develop in a joint, it can cause pain every time the individual moves while tophi in the throat can cause pain when the individual speaks or swallows.

Kidney problems

It is a known fact that gout has been known to cause problems in the kidney. The common conditions are kidney diseases and kidney stones. Always remember that both can be detrimental to the overall health of the individual.

Kidney stones can develop among individuals who have gout. The kidney stones will block the urine flow and this can lead to an urgency to urinate and pain during urination. Additionally, the kidney stones can increase the risk to urinary tract infection.

Gout can also cause progressive kidney disease. The increased uric acid levels typically worsen an existing kidney disorder. The kidney will start to shut down and this can lead to kidney failure that would require immediate medical attention.

Psychological effects

The psychological effects of gout include changes in the mood and behavior of the individual. The severe pain linked with gout can diminish the ability of the individual to move around and interact with the environment. This sedentary lifestyle can eventually lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.

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