What are the contraindications for hepatitis B vaccine?

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The hepatitis B virus is likely to affect millions of individuals in different parts of the world. Those who are infected with the virus face a high risk for developing chronic liver disease where some even die. There is also the risk that some infected individuals will spread the virus to others. With the availability of the hepatitis B vaccine, it provides protection against infection from the virus but in some circumstances, the vaccine is contraindicated or should not be given to some individuals.

Hypersensitivity to yeast and other components of the vaccine

The hepatitis B vaccine is comprised of the hepatitis B virus which will no longer infect the individual with the virus but causes the immune system to respond. This is how the individual acquires immunity from the virus.

The vaccine is created by adding a component of the hepatitis B gene into the yeast cells. Due to this, those who are sensitive or have allergies to yeast must not be given this vaccine. Similarly, those who have hypersensitivity to other components of the vaccine should not be given.

Hepatitis B vaccine
If the individual had a recent cold or other minor illness, it is not necessarily an outright contraindication to receiving the hepatitis B vaccine.

There are two formulations of the vaccine. One formulation contains a minimal amount of the preservative thimerosal along with aluminum hydroxide, mercury and chemical sodium dihydrogen phosphate and disodium phosphate. Individuals who are allergic to any of these ingredients must not be given this formulation of the hepatitis B vaccine. An individual who is highly sensitive to these components might end up with an allergic reaction. If you want to learn more about the proper management of an allergic reaction, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today.

Other possible components

In another formulation of the hepatitis B vaccine, it only contains aluminum hydroxide along with the yeast. Due to the components utilized in the two types of formulations, an individual who is allergic to aluminum hydroxide should not be given either formulations of the hepatitis B vaccine.

Recent fever or severe illness

If the individual had a recent cold or other minor illness, it is not necessarily an outright contraindication to receiving the hepatitis B vaccine. Nevertheless, an individual who has been reasonably or harshly ill or has high fever must postpone the administration of the vaccine until the symptoms have fully resolved.

Multiple sclerosis

Individuals who have multiple sclerosis might be at risk if they are given the hepatitis B vaccine. Always bear in mind that multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune neurologic condition that can flare up with warning. If the hepatitis B vaccine is given, it can aggravate the symptoms.

Just remember that having multiple sclerosis is not considered as an absolute contraindication for the vaccine. Those who have the disease should remember that there are rare cases that lead to the aggravation of the symptoms. Due to these rare cases, individuals with multiple sclerosis should weigh the risk of this occurring against the benefits of getting the vaccine.

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