Many toddlers can drink cow’s milk without any problem. Nevertheless, milk is one of the usual allergens for young children. Some children who are allergic will not outgrow the allergy by age 5. Alternatives such as sheep or goat’s milk are not suitable substitutes for cow’s milk since they can also trigger an allergic reaction among toddlers who are sensitive.
Toddlers can experience the symptoms of milk allergy by being exposed directly, drinking or breathing in milk or milk products. It is vital that you are well aware of the symptoms since they can manifest within minutes up to several hours after being exposed to milk and can persist for several days. If you want to be prepared to handle an allergic reaction to milk, all you have to do is to enroll in a first aid class today.
What are immediate symptoms?
A toddler who has milk allergy can suffer from various immediate symptoms minutes or up to an hour after drinking milk or eating products that contain milk. The symptoms include dry cough, hives as well as swelling, wheezing and vomiting. The hives are red-colored, elevated, itchy bumps that manifest on any part of the body and can come and go within a few hours later. The swelling that occurs on the eyelids, lips, hands and feet or other parts of the body can cause discomfort to the toddler but they are not painful.
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that occurs within minutes up to a few hours after being exposed to milk. The effects affect several bodily systems and can be a complication of minor to severe symptoms.
A toddler with milk allergy can suffer from throat tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, stuffed nose and severe engorgement of the tongue and throat that disrupts with normal breathing. The other symptoms include projectile vomiting, acute diarrhea as well as loss of consciousness or shock. In some cases, parents might not realize that a toddler has milk allergy until the child suffers from anaphylaxis. Even minimal amounts of milk can trigger a flare-up. Remember that anaphylaxis can be fatal, thus it is vital to seek immediate medical care.
Late reactions
Toddlers who have milk allergy can also suffer from symptoms that can last for several days after being exposed to milk. The symptoms can include watery eyes, runny nose, wheezing, persistent coughing or itchy rashes around the mouth that spreads to other parts of the body.
The toddler might refuse to eat or complain of abdominal pain along with chronic diarrhea, vomiting or loose, blood-streaked stools. If a toddler is suspected with milk allergy, it is best to consult a doctor for allergy testing through a skin prick test or blood test in order to determine the exact allergen.