What are the treatment options for knee tendonitis?

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The tendons are durable twines of tissue that link the muscles to the bones. The knee is comprised of the patellar tendon in which the joining is made concerning the kneecap and the shinbone.

Knee tendonitis develops due to repeated stress and pressure on the patellar tendon. This condition is often seen among athletes who are constantly jumping and running. The knee ends up swollen, pain develops and the flexibility can be affected, thus disrupting the activity of the individual either at work or during sports. The treatment for knee tendonitis typically involves standard home remedies that you can easily perform at home. You can learn more about these remedies by enrolling in a first aid class today. Once you suspect that an individual has knee tendonitis, there are measures that you can perform to help alleviate the symptoms that manifest.

Knee tendonitis
Knee tendonitis develops due to repeated stress and pressure on the patellar tendon.

Measures in treatment knee tendonitis

  • Any stressful activity should be avoided by the individual. The individual should continue with his/her exercise and stay being active, but avoid actions or activities that involve a lot of stress on the knees such as jumping and running. Non-impact exercises such as swimming, elliptical training, rowing and walking are highly recommended for those who have knee tendonitis.
  • The pain and swelling can be reduced with the application of ice. You can easily use an ice pack that you can apply over the affected knee for 15-20 minutes. Make sure that you will wrap a cloth or towel on the ice pack to prevent injury on the skin.
  • A patellar tendon strap is usually used by the individual to guide the force away from the tendon and directed into the strap. This will help lessen the pain without disrupting the circulation in the leg.
  • A massage is also recommended to help relieve the pain in the soft tissues in the body.
  • A physical therapist can be consulted so that the appropriate exercises can be started. There are specific exercises that help strengthen the patellar tendon and the surrounding muscles. Eccentric strengthening is also recommended in which the individual loses weight at a slow rate.
  • Tight muscles should be loosened. If the muscles surrounding the knee are tight, it can place more stress on the tendon. The individual should perform stretches that focus on the hamstrings, quads, calves as well as the anterior tibialis.
  • Surgery is usually the last option if the individual experiences persistent pain for an extended period. The doctor will remove the damaged areas of the tendon and repair tears that will develop.

In case surgery is the only option to treat knee tendonitis, it is important to bear in mind that the recovery period can range from 6-12 months and the pain can still recur after the recovery is completed.

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