What causes the formation of bone spurs and calcium deposits?

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In most cases, both bone spurs and calcium deposits are likely to form after an individual sustained an injury or can be part of the normal aging process. The bone spurs and calcium deposits can cause substantial pain and can even affect the mobility of a particular joint if they develop within or around them. Once the symptoms are severe or interferes with the daily activities of the individual, immediate emergency care is a must.

What are bone spurs?

Bone spurs are basically small-sized bony protrusions that form on bones. These spurs are usually smooth and located at the edges or ends of bones, especially when two bones join together to form a joint. The common locations where bone spurs develop include the knees, heels, elbows, fingers, neck, shoulders and the spine. Bone spurs can occur when the body attempts to heal damaged bone or cartilage.

Bone spurs
The common locations where bone spurs develop include the knees, heels, elbows, fingers, neck, shoulders and the spine.

It is important to note that not all bone spurs can cause pain. Some will only notice pain if a bone spur presses on a nerve, tissue or bone. The elderly are more susceptible to develop bone spurs but can also occur among young individuals especially athletes and dancers due to the stress placed on the ligaments, muscles and tendons. Additionally, bone spurs are likely to develop if the individual has certain conditions such as spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis or spondylosis.

What are calcium deposits?

Calcium deposits are small, hard areas of calcium that tend to form once a tissue or bone has been stressed or damaged. Once an injury occurs, the calcium travels via the bloodstream to the injured area to help in repairing the damage. In some cases, the injured area will receive more calcium than what is needed. If this occurs, the extra calcium stays in the tissue or bone and eventually hardens into a deposit. These calcium deposits can develop in the arteries, organs, breasts, cartilage, joints and tendons.


In case a bone spur or calcium deposit is located within a joint or deep in a tissue, the individual will not notice any outward indications. The bone spurs that form close to the skin can appear as small bumps beneath the skin. Bone spurs that develops on joints such as in the knee or elbow can cause pain once they are moved.

As for calcium deposits, they can cause problems once they press against the nerves or tendons, resulting to pain as well as making movement a burdensome task.

Important consideration to bear in mind

Always remember that taking high amounts of vitamin D supplements can increase the risk for developing calcium deposits in the body. Excessive intake of vitamin D will trigger the intestines to absorb too much calcium, resulting to elevated levels of calcium in the blood. Once this occurs, the individual is more likely to develop calcium deposits especially in the heart or lungs.

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