What is uveitis?

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Uveitis involves irritation and swelling of the uvea which is the interior eye layer. The swelling can affect any or all the parts of the uvea. If not cared for or was managed but recurs, it can trigger more issues such as glaucoma, cataracts or retinal detachment. Remember that these issues can lead to blindness.

What is the cause?

The precise root of uveitis is unknown. It arises once the immune system attacks the tissues within the eye. The usual causes include:

  • Infections such as herpes, chickenpox, syphilis and Lyme disease
  • Immune system conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and sarcoidosis
  • Blood vessel inflammation
  • Radiation treatment for medical conditions

What are the indications?

Uveitis that involves the anterior region of the eye can trigger the following:

The signs might only affect one eye and tend to arise and worsen abruptly.
  • Redness
  • Light sensitivity
  • Poor vision
  • Dull or deep aching pain

The signs might only affect one eye and tend to arise and worsen abruptly. Once the middle or rear part of the eye is involved, the only symptom might be issues with vision. There is also an increase in the floaters. This can occur in both eyes, but one eye can be worse than the other.

Management of uveitis

The treatment for uveitis is based on the root cause. Infection and inflammation can be managed with eyedrops or medications that are taken orally. Both uveitis and some of the drugs used as treatment can result to cataract formation or elevated eye pressure.

The doctor will closely monitor the progress of the individual. Once the inflammation is under control, the doctor will slowly stop the drugs. It is vital to carefully follow the instructions given by the doctor. A sudden decrease in using these drugs can cause the symptoms to recur.

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