What is vertical talus?

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Vertical talus is considered as an uncommon foot deformity which is spotted at the time of birth. Since babies are born with the condition, it is also called as congenital vertical talus. Remember that this condition is one of the causes of flatfoot among newborns. One or both feet can be affected by this condition.

Even though this condition is not painful for newborns or even toddlers, if the condition is not treated early, vertical talus can cause disability and discomfort as the child grows. It is important that you know how to ease the discomfort of this condition. To learn to recognize this foot deformity, enroll in class on first aid today.

Overview on vertical talus

The talus bone formed in the wrong position and other bones in the foot to the front of the talus have shifted on top of it. As a consequence, the front of the foot points up and can even rest against the front part of the shin. The base of the foot is rigid and has no arch and usually curves out.

Vertical talus
Vertical talus is considered as an uncommon foot deformity which is spotted at the time of birth.

Possible cause

The exact cause of vertical talus is not yet known. Most cases of vertical talus are often linked with a neuromuscular disease or other disorders such as spina bifida. The doctor will decide if additional tests are required to determine if the child has such conditions.


The objective of treatment for vertical talus is to provide the child with a stable, functional and pain-free foot. It is vital that this condition is treated early. In case the deformity is allowed to progress and the child learns how to walk with an abnormal foot, it might lead to the development of calluses and sore skin issues. In most cases, it can be difficult to find shoes that properly fit and the child might not be able to walk normally.

Non-surgical treatment

Even though the most common treatment for vertical talus is surgery, the doctor will recommend non-surgical treatment options. This includes stretching exercises and casting designed to increase the flexibility of the foot and even correct the deformity.

Some doctors will recommend continuous physical therapy in order to stretch the affected foot and improve overall flexibility.

Surgical treatment

In case conservative treatment is not successful in dealing with the problem, the doctor might recommend surgery at around 9-12 months of age. The surgery is specifically designed to correct all aspects of the deformity including issues with the foot bones as well as the ligaments and tendons that support the bones.

What is the outcome?

If not treated, vertical talus will surely cause future disability and pain. If the condition is treated early, expect a stable and functional foot. In case the child does not have other conditions that limit function and development, he/she can play without any pain and wear normal shoes.

The doctor will recommend clinic visits over the years to observe the growth and development of the foot.

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