Bedbug bites in children

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Bedbug bites can occur among children. Bedbugs are small-sized insects that feed on human blood by biting on the skin. These insects are active between 2-5 AM and can survive without feeding for up to 6 months. Bedbug bites can trigger itchiness and not known to spread any diseases.

What are the indications of bedbug bites?

Bedbug bites
The bedbug bites cause a rash that usually have a red-colored dot where the bite occurred in the center of an elevated reddened bump.

The bedbug bites often manifest in a row on parts of the skin that are exposed during night time.

  • The bedbug bites cause a rash that usually have a red-colored dot where the bite occurred in the center of an elevated reddened bump.
  • The bites are likely to occur on the neck, face, hands and arms.
  • Check for dots of blood or rust-colored spots from crumpled bugs or dung spots that are pinpoint sizes on the bed sheets and mattresses or at the back of loose wallpaper.
  • Check for any reddish/brown live bedbugs in crevices or seams of bedding.

Controlling bedbugs

  • Try to minimize clutter and limit items that travel back and forth between the house and school.
  • All cracks must be sealed and clean up any bedbug debris using water and detergent.
  • Bedding and clothing must be washed using hot water with a hot drying cycle for 30-60 minutes.
  • Vacuum all cracks and crevices in furniture, walls, equipment and floors. The vacuum cleaner filter and bags must be disposed in a tightly sealed plastic bag.
  • Utilize covers for the mattress, box spring and pillows to snare bedbugs. These covers are readily available in the market.
  • Professional extermination involves vacuuming with the application of the least toxic products, freezing all infested articles, heating the living area to 50 degrees C up to 90 minutes or using synthetic chemical insecticides.

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