Some individuals experience an insect sting allergy if bitten or stung by an insect. In most minor cases, a reaction might include some swelling, redness or itchiness at the site of the sting or bite and normally settles within hours.
In some cases, an insect sting allergy might be severe or even deadly. If an individual is allergic, the immune system is highly sensitive to certain substances. If stung or bitten for the first time, the immune system releases a small amount of IgE antibodies aimed on the venom. If stung another time by the identical insect, the IgE antibody reaction is more quick and vigorous which results to the discharge of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals that trigger the symptoms of an allergy.
Insects that can trigger allergies
- Bees – honey bees, bumblebees
- Vespids – hornets, yellow jackets, wasps
- Ants – fire ants, harvester ants
In case a serious allergic reaction has occurred in the past, the individual should use a medical alert bracelet and always bring along an epinephrine auto-injector.
Severity of an allergic reaction
In most cases, the allergic reactions are relatively mild along with local symptoms that might include hives, swelling or itchiness.
Occasionally, an insect sting can trigger a serious reaction. Anaphylaxis is considered as an emergency which causes difficulty breathing and a rapid drop in the blood pressure. If treatment is delayed, death is likely.
Possible outlook for an insect sting allergy
If an individual has an insect sting allergy, there is a high percentage of experiencing a severe reaction if stung again by the same insect.
The ideal way to avoid an allergic reaction is to avoid being stung. Any nests and hives should be removed from the house and yard. Always use protective clothing when spending time outdoors.
Bright colored clothes should not be worn as well as strong perfumes when outdoors where insects might be present. Remember that insects are attracted by the smell of food, thus it is vital to be cautious when eating outdoors.
In case a serious allergic reaction has occurred in the past, the individual should use a medical alert bracelet and always bring along an epinephrine auto-injector.