Close look on retinal vein occlusion

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Retinal vein occlusion occurs once a blood clot obstructs the vein. Once the retina is obstructed, it could not drain blood from the retina, which leads to bleeding and leakage of fluid from the blocked blood vessels.

In some cases, it occurs since the veins in the eye are too constricted. It is likely to arise among individuals with diabetes and possibly high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or other health conditions that affect the flow of blood.

Initially, the blurriness or loss of vision might be minor but worsens over the next few hours or days.

Do I have retinal vein occlusion?

The indications of retinal vein occlusion range from mild to evident. There is also painless blurring or loss of vision. It generally occurs in just one day. Initially, the blurriness or loss of vision might be minor but worsens over the next few hours or days. Oftentimes, there is complete loss of vision immediately.

Once these symptoms occur, it is vital to consult a doctor right away. Always bear in mind that retinal vein occlusion often results to lasting damage to the retina and vision loss. Additionally, it can also lead to other eye conditions.

Management of retinal vein occlusion

It is sad to note that there is no way to unblock the retinal veins. Nevertheless, the doctor might deal with any health issues that seem not linked to the retinal vein occlusion.

The vision might return in some eyes that had been occluded. In some instances, the obstructed vessels might lead to the buildup of fluid in the retina the same as sponges that absorb water. In some cases, the ischemia might cause the formation of new blood vessels.

Some of the commonly used treatment options include:

  • Intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs – these drugs target the VEGF which is an essential growth factor responsible for macular edema.
  • Intravitreal injection of corticosteroid drugs – these drugs fight the inflammatory components that lead to edema
  • Focal laser therapy – this treatment involves the use of lasers to the swollen areas to reduce edema
  • Pan-retinal photocoagulation therapy – this treatment is utilized if the individual has formation of new blood vessels after retinal vein occlusion

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