Dealing with wounds and scars

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Always bear in mind that wounds and scars whether due to injury or a surgical procedure should heal quickly and correctly in order to reduce the risk for infection and scarring. This is why it is vital to pay close attention to the doctor once proper care measures for the wound is being explained.

Proper cleaning and dressing of a wound will ensure that it will correctly heal with minimal scarring. The scarring is considered as a natural aspect of the healing process and typically improves on its own.

Cleansing the wound

It is important to clean the wound on a daily basis to avoid infection from developing. You can create a saline solution by mixing a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of salt and combine well until fully dissolved.

Pour the solution directly on the wound. An antibacterial soap can also be used. Create suds and dab a minimal amount of the lather onto the wound and leave in place for about 20 seconds. Rinse the wound thoroughly by using cool water.

Wounds and scars
You have to cover the wound only if it is a location that is prone to getting dirty or where it can reopen while engaging in normal activities.

Covering the wound

You have to cover the wound only if it is a location that is prone to getting dirty or where it can reopen while engaging in normal activities. If not, simply leave the wound open to the air and keep it dry to promote faster healing. The doctor should be consulted whether you can leave the wound open or if it requires bandaging. Some of the bigger wounds such as rashes and scrapes tend to heal better if a moist environment is provided.

Avoid touching the wound

Always keep the hands away from the wound as much as possible. Even though some find it tempting to touch, pick on or peel on the scab or scar, it can lead to the transfer of germs and dirt from the hands into the opening of the wound. Take note that this will leave the individual at risk for infection and swelling that can slow down the healing process, thus leading to scarring.

Observe for signs of infection

You have to watch out for the signs and symptoms of infection and report to the doctor if there is pain, redness, swelling or drainage of milky liquid from the wound. The infection can stop the healing process and can make the individual sick. A doctor should be consulted right away so that antibiotics are prescribed to stop the infection and continue the healing process.

Apply silicone gel pads or creams

These can be applied over the healing wound site at least once a day if the sore is no longer open. The silicone gels are an effective way to minimize the scarring. Microdermabrasion or exfoliating the scar using an abrasive material can also help smoothen the skin and minimize the puffiness so that the scar is less noticeable and flush with the rest of the skin.

If the scar is a big annoyance to the individual or starts to heal in a bad way, a dermatologist should be consulted regarding revision of the scar or laser resurfacing to attain smoother skin.

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