Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin reaction that arises after contact with an irritant or response to an allergic reaction. Even though not dangerous, dermatitis can be troublesome on prominent sites such as the face which it is impossible to hide. Once facial dermatitis develops, there are several treatment options available.
Management of facial dermatitis
Cool compress
In general, a cool compress is an ideal treatment for facial dermatitis. The cool temperature helps lessen the swelling linked with dermatitis. Use a commercial compress or a plastic zip-lock bag with ice. Make sure that a damp towel covers the pack.
Oral antihistamine
For the itchiness that is oftentimes present with facial dermatitis, it is recommended to use an over-the-counter antihistamine periodically. The antihistamine medications work by competing and binds to the histamine receptors. This impedes the histamine which is accountable for the symptoms of dermatitis.
Over-the-counter hydrocortisone
Use over-the-counter hydrocortisone which is available as gel, cream or sprays in treating facial dermatitis. The non-prescription strength hydrocortisone in 0.5 or 1% can help with facial dermatitis by briefly alleviating the symptoms such as dryness, itchiness, inflammation and redness.
Chamomile creams
For those who opt for a natural remedy for facial dermatitis, chamomile cream can also help. This cream mimics the same effects as the over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams.
Prescription steroids
Generally, if other measures are not effective, the doctor might suggest a prescription steroid cream. The topical corticosteroids are also commonly used to lessen the inflammation linked with severe cases of facial dermatitis to relieve the symptoms as well as shorten the healing time.