Forearm muscle injury: How is it managed?

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Forearm muscle injury might be due to overuse. Continuous wear and tear on the muscles, nerves and ligaments later results to deterioration of the tissues and damage when performing activities that lead to weakness.

Certain injuries can also arise from abrupt, forceful tugs or influence on the muscles. Falls as well as other forms of accidents are also responsible for further injuries.

What are the indications of a forearm muscle injury?

If an individual has a forearm muscle injury, there is intense pain in the site. Once the force is strong enough, it might result to tearing of one of the muscles as well as hearing a slight pop linked with excruciating pain.

Adequate rest and application of an ice pack is usually suggested to lessen the swelling of a torn or strained forearm muscle.

The forearm muscles can end up sore from overuse. This results to swelling and limited movement. In most cases, the pain or discomfort often radiates up the elbow.


Adequate rest and application of an ice pack is usually suggested to lessen the swelling of a torn or strained forearm muscle. The pain or discomfort of a pulled muscle typically settles in a couple of days if an ice pack is applied frequently for up to 20 minutes at a time.

A sprained and torn muscle should be allowed to rest to heal. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can be given to reduce the swelling while cortisone shots can be given to lessen the pain that often starts in the elbow joints.

Preventive measures

It is vital to utilize the right form when lifting weights or playing sports to prevent a forearm muscle injury. Having strong leg and abdominal muscles can help in preventing strains when lifting weights.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a forearm muscle injury is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage this muscle injury by taking a standard first aid course with Mississauga First Aid.

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