Shoulder subluxation occurs if the upper arm moves partly out of the shoulder socket beyond normal mobility of the joint. The shoulder is a mobile joint in the body. The mobility of the joint makes it one of the most unstable joint as well.
What are the signs of shoulder subluxation?
An individual suspected with shoulder subluxation generally have the following indications.
Looseness and popping
If an individual is suspected with shoulder subluxation, there is a popping sound as the ball joint moves out of the socket and bursts back in. Oftentimes, the popping can be heard.
In most cases, the individual feels as if the joint is “catching” or “slipping” or that the arm becomes dead from time to time. Additionally, there is a feeling of looseness in the shoulder. The individual might also feel unwilling to raise the arms overhead due to fear that the joint might pop out.
Numbness, pain and weakness
Once shoulder subluxation arises, the pain is directly focused on the joint. The movements that instigate pain are based on the form of subluxation.
Most cases of subluxations and dislocations are anterior where the shoulder drives forward. Throwing motions can worsen the pain. The discomfort leads to weakening since the individual avoids any uncomfortable movements. In addition, the joint often feels numb along with tingling that might radiate down the arm.
Visual symptoms
The visual indications often occur along with shoulder subluxation. Both swelling and bruising are common on the site where the injury occurred.
The affected joint often appears less rounded. If a sulcus test is performed which assesses for instability of the shoulder, it will likely reveal a positive result – dimpling beneath the bony prominence at the upper part of the shoulder or acromion.
Disclaimer / More Information
The information posted on this page on shoulder subluxation is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to properly manage this shoulder injury, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Saskatoon, Victoria, Surrey, Mississauga, Winnipeg, Red Deer, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.