The radiating pain that travels down the exterior of the thigh can indicate trochanteric bursitis which is the most common form of hip bursitis. This condition develops once the bursa positioned over the point of the hip called as the greater trochanter is engorged.
The bursa is a small-sized sac filled with fluid that protects the tendons as well as helps minimize the friction between the tendon and bone. The constant motion and overuse as well as sports-related injuries are the main causes, but it can also be diagnosed among overweight individuals who have degenerative spinal issues as well. Hip bursitis is a chronic condition but there are various ways to minimize inflammation as well as prevent irritation of the bursa.
Adequate rest
Overusing the hip joints can easily cause the inflammation of the bursa in the hip joint and taking periodic rest from activities that can aggravate hip bursitis. These can help reduce the inflammation that irritates the bursa. Whether the individual rests in between episodes of physical activity or modifying certain activities to a minimal event, rest can help prevent inflammation that can lead to hip bursitis.
Activity modification
It is recommended to change the exercise or workout routine of the individual. The best way to prevent hip bursitis is to refrain from repetitive movement if possible. In some circumstances, the routine can be modified by limiting participation in activities that can irritate the bursa over the greater trochanter. Those who play sports on the other hand might not be able to avoid repetitive activities.
Proper warmup
The muscles and joints must be properly warmed up before physical activity. Correct stretching of the muscles and warm up can be effective in preventing hip bursitis. Take note that stretching reduces the strain on the hips and loosens up the muscles. The suitable exercises such as the piriformis stretch and iliotibial band stretch.
Cold therapy
You can apply a cold compress in managing hip bursitis. It is vital to apply ice packs to help control the inflammation by constricting the blood vessels. All you have to do is place crushed ice in a plastic bag or utilize a pack of frozen vegetables that is covered with a towel or cloth. The ice pack must be applied on the hip area for 15-20 minutes several times each day as long as pain is felt.